Commercial Real Estate 101 

Why Columbus?

In the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about the “up and coming” cities in the United States. Almost every list includes our hometown, Columbus, Ohio. “What?” people keep saying, “why Columbus?”

Even though we thought we could keep our gem in the midwest a secret forever, we are also proud to be included in such an amazing conversation. Here’s why:

  1. It’s Affordable. Columbus ranks number 14 on the CNBC list of “15 Cities Where you Can Live Really Well on $60,000.” It is also one of the top 5 tax climates in the United States. And businesses within Columbus benefit from no personal property tax, no inventory tax (huge for distribution centers!) and no state corporate income tax.
  2. Location. Really. Columbus is within a 10-hour drive of 16.1 million people in the United States and Canada. This is higher than other major distribution centers in the United States. It is also located in the middle of the state, which allows it to have a large regional area.
  3. Economics, Stability, and Diversity Reign Supreme. Columbus has one of the highest concentration of college students in the nation, with over 136,000 students creating a diverse population. No single industry represents more than 18% of the economy, resulting in an exceptionally stable economy. It was one of the first cities in the midwest to recover all jobs lost in the recession.

Everyone at NAI Ohio Equities looks forward to welcoming you to Columbus in the future!

*all stats come from the economic development arm of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, Columbus 2020.

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